Meaning more barns could get converted to residential use.
The changes will take effect from 21st May 2024. With all applications after this date subject to the new guidelines.
It is likely significantly more barns will now qualify under the update to Class Q barn conversions. This will include barns that are no longer used for agricultural purposes. However, it does not extend to barns used for equestrian purposes, unless they form part of an agricultural unit.
Not only will more barns qualify for Class Q conversion. The previous maximum of converting to five new smaller dwellings will now be ten new smaller dwellings. In addition, the amount of space you can convert has increased to 1,000 m². However the maximum size of any new smaller dwelling is now 150 m².
For us the biggest change is that under the Class Q barn conversions update you can now extend to the rear of the barn or agricultural building by up to 4m. However this must be on hard surface which were present on or before 24th July 2023
Barn conversions to stylish modern homes have become very popular over recent years. Our experienced local architects have work on a number of these projects. We have previously written a post about the appeals and challenges of barn conversion. Take a look here to learn more.
You can also take a look at one of our completed luxury barn conversion designed by our Leeds Architects, here. This drone video helps show how barn conversions can have stunning views over open countryside. A real luxury for homeowners.
Why not give us a call and we can advise you if the updates to class Q barn conversions will be help you get your dream home.